Ipora REE Project
The Ipora REE Project comprises 211km2 of tenements in the Goias State in central Brazil, targeting the Iporá alkaline intrusive complex, considered highly prospective for REEs, potentially of the highly valued ionic clay type.
Ipora is located around 600km north of Alvo’s Bluebush IAC REE Project, within the same Tocantins structural district. The projects confirm the company’s belief that Brazil is emerging as one of the most important locations for global ionic clay hosted REE projects.
The Project is situated on similar geology and adjacent to the PCH Project, owned by Canadian listed Appia Rare Earths and Uranium Corporation, where extraordinary high REE results were reported from surface over broad widths.
Ipora is comprised of three prospect areas, Tapir, Tatu and Snapper, each selected by Alvo’s geologists for their geological and geophysical signatures, considered similar to the nearby recent discoveries by Appia of their Target IV and Buruti prospects.
Extensive visual clays have been identified along strike from the PCH Project, with field work underway.